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Meet   udy

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Judy works exclusively with high-achieving Christian women, teaching them timeless business strategies - from a decidedly Biblical perspective - so they can step into their CEO role with confidence, calm & certainty. 


She helps clients scale business in a way that honors Christ and fulfills their God-given purpose.

as featured in


my story


As a serial entrepreneur of more than 15 years, I understand the challenges of today’s business owner, whether local professional or online services provider.  As a former lawyer + c-suite executive, I approach business from a unique yet practical perspective.


My commitment to my clients, unmatched. My results, uncommon. All glory to Jesus the Christ!


As a Christian, I know you face additional hurdles - both from the world as well as within yourself (doubts, guilt & internal conflict about money, ambition and having big goals). 


Online you are constantly bombarded with ads and messaging telling you to ‘work harder, longer, and more hours’ to get to the highest levels of success. This is simply NOT true. 


“Hustle” has no place in your business, threatening only to cause burnout, fracture relationships and damage your health. 


My business philosophy is firmly rooted in Scriptural Truth. I teach my clients how to do business in a way that honors the Lord: joyfully, courageously & faithfully.  


My passion (& purpose) as a Christian business coach for women is to empower my sisters in Christ to ‘pursue the impossible’ in their business: to impact more lives + make more money, while working less. 


Having taught 1000s of women across the world, my mission is to uplevel the way Christian women do business.  No more playing small. You were born for such a time as this, created by God to fulfill His purpose for your life!


Judy Weber Co is setting the GOLD standard in business coaching for Christian women. Experience world class business coaching + entrepreneurial strategy for yourself.

Christian business coach Judy Weber sitting outside in a black jumpsuit


I’m on mission to uplevel the way Christian women do business: joyfully, faithfully, courageously, impactfully & profitably.


I launched the ‘Joyful Scaling’ Podcast to provide valuable content to equip smart, high-achieving women of faith to do exactly that.


The podcast topics include: all things business + life, from a Biblical perspective.


With more than 300 episodes, you'll find invaluable binge-worthy content. (Think of it as 'Netflix for a Godly business')

Judy Weber sitting at a desk with a laptop and microphone
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The hallmarks of my proven methodology are: 

faith, joy & simplicity.


Faith is the #1 success metric. Period. When you believe that God is who He says He is, that He's called you to business & that He will fulfill His promise to equip you to fulfill that calling, your success is inevitable. When my clients apply my proprietary Faith-Fueled® Thought Model, their faith in Christ deepens. Resulting in transformational change - in their business (and their life).


As Christians, we are to have joy in all things. That includes joy in business: whether client-facing work or back-end strategic planning & operations. By fully embracing the extraordinary woman you are in Christ, my clients step confidently into their CEO role. Replacing overwhelm with calm, fear with faith & hustle with joy.  


Running a profitable + impactful business can be simple. As a medical malpractice trial attorney, my job was to simplify complex medical issues (so the judge & jury could understand them). That ‘take the complicated and make it simple’ philosophy followed me into entrepreneurship. I specialize in helping my clients create a sophisticatedly simple business: one that is faith-fueled, tremendously impactful & highly lucrative.

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The LIFETIME premium coaching experience for early-stage entrepreneurs building to their first $100K, with joy & certainty.

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The exclusive & elite Mastermind for seasoned 6-figure female CEOs looking to scale toward 7 figures with simplicity, as you grow your CEO skillset and scale.

Judy Weber standing outside in a black jumpsuit with a white pearl necklace

(in 12 Months or Less) - 3 Part Training


In this exclusive training, you'll learn the exact steps to build your business to ensure fast revenue growth (without working round the clock or dumping money into ads).

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I’ve been working with Judy for over 5 years and my business grows year after year with her guidance & strategies.  Her passion for the Lord and helping women thrive in business makes Judy an A+ coach to have on your side. 


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